

To achieve the project aim, a number of specific technical objectives have been set out
  • Supercooled PCM selection, development and optimisation for common operating conditions.
  • Modelling, simulation and design optimisation of PCM units and full Versatile PCM system, appropriate for adapting/rescaling to different residential and commercial buildings and climate conditions.
  • Construction, laboratory testing and field trial of a prototype Versatile PCM system.
  • Economic and environmental analyses of the Versatile PCM system.
  • Publicising the research findings and initiation of commercial activities.
In addition to the specific technical objectives, the operational objectives of the proposed project are to:
  • Demonstrate a thermal energy storage solution that has stable short to long-term performance over multiple cycles of use for at least 20 years.
  • Develop a control system, with ICT tools and computer-controlled automation to enable fast and cost-effective charging and discharging of energy storage.
  • Design the system installation process to make it cost efficient, having low manufacturing costs, a large potential market and short payback period.
  • Validate a prototype experimental unit at a laboratory scale and then at a real-life scale.